Tuesday, January 8, 2013

If we can handle childbirth we can handle mosh pits.

Could someone do me the favor of locating the source of the notion that females are somehow incapable of moshing? I should not be subjected to comments such as “Not to be sexist, but girl, are you okay? or “Wow, you’re one tough cookie” whenever I attend a Japandroids or Joyce Manor show. Gentle reminder: the female body was designed for childbearing. We can physically hold our own at concerts.

I have long ago grown sick and tired of finding myself entangled in a pit surrounded by men, wondering where all the women are, only to realize majority of them are standing far behind me, increasingly distancing themselves from the stage. I encourage all you women who enjoy such events to put a halt to this male domination. Share the experience amongst us hormonal, commonly intoxicated, and highly excitable young people in the glory that is high contact.


  1. Wow... I have a problem with this post, but I have bigger problem with the two above comments.

    I think there is a lot to be said for the idea that moshing isn't childbirth. It's a bad analogy, but the point is still valid. No one is trying to hurt anyone in moshing- except that one asshole, there's always one asshole trying to hurt someone-so if everyone is moshing with some regard and spirit towards everyone, anyone can be in the mosh pit and take it.

    I have two concerns- the first is that I see a lot of moshers use women in the pit as an excuse to grope, pull clothes- women become a target. There is sexism there. I worry about women in the pit for that reason.

    It's good that you recognize that it isn't the men in the pit being sexist, unless they're implying you can't handle it. If someone asks if you're ok, maybe you don't look ok. I also think that you're missing some of the big picture: not everyone enjoys moshing. I guarantee amongst the women in the back that are not moshing are a great deal of men. In the subsection of people that like to mosh, we find that agression, physicality, wearing proper shoes, pain tolerance- all those things cut heavily towards men, which is why there are more men in the pit.

  2. First off, I'd like to thank you all for leaving comments and allowing me an opportunity to grow as a writer/blogger.

    I believe there has been some misunderstanding. Of course there are both men and women who do not enjoy moshing and that is their right. The issue arises however, when there are women who DO enjoy moshing, but do not feel comfortable being near the stage because of the way they are treated at such shows. Zac, you bring up a great point about moshers who use women in the pit as an excuse to grope, etc.

    Furthermore, it's always nice for other fans to express concern and ensure everyone is safe, but when men are expressing concern solely for the fact these fans are women - that's unequal.

    Moreover, the issue of childbearing was brought up to highlight that women do have a high pain tolerance, and that they aren't as physically inadequate as society often portrays them.

    I do not think it is fair to associate "aggression, physicality, wearing proper shoes, pain tolerance" as solely masculine traits.

    Again, I think you all for reading and taking the time to comment.
