My reason for refraining from wearing designer perfume is more calculated than the expensive price tag.
I have a problem with images that suggest all women like to be controlled by men, bound with leather, held by the neck, and dragged by their hair. I have a problem with anything that equates male dominance and female submissiveness to something that's sexy. Since when is violence synonymous with love and affection? Sexual violence is not stylish or erotic. Moreover, nothing that tarnishes the credibility of sexual violence survivors should be used as a marketing ploy.
I have a problem with images that suggest all women like to be controlled by men, bound with leather, held by the neck, and dragged by their hair. I have a problem with anything that equates male dominance and female submissiveness to something that's sexy. Since when is violence synonymous with love and affection? Sexual violence is not stylish or erotic. Moreover, nothing that tarnishes the credibility of sexual violence survivors should be used as a marketing ploy.
I refuse to support designers who perpetuate a glorified rape culture with their print advertisement’s images reminiscent of gang rapes. Note how the woman has been broken down into fragments, her single exposed leg symbolizing her desirability, whereas the entirely of the males’ bodies can be seen. The surrounding men gaze upon her like lions surveying a decaying carcass.

I have a serious issue with the image above and see a direct correlation between such advertisements and the fact that according to a recent UCLA College Survey, 30% of college men (58% when “rape” was replaced with “force a woman into having sex”) would commit rape if they knew it would go unreported.
So, why do consumers, both female and male accept these types of advertisements? If we, as consumers, have allowed such images to be printed, what's preventing us from becoming the voice for change? That is, why can’t we voice our discontent, rise up with fists, and let these brands know that if they want our business they’re going to need to develop a new marketing approach.
i love reading your blog its very insightful
ReplyDeleteThank you, Maja! That means a lot. I hope you're doing well.