The abortion debate is old, and has long ago went stale. It's not fresh nor would I ever cast it as such, but because some crazy folk enjoy arguing already settled, sealed n' dealed debates I have decided to devote a post to the topic.
In order to justify such the notion of outlawing abortion, as a nation, we would need to completely exterminate lack of access to contraception, lack of contraceptive education, outlaw abstinence only sex education, have a massive sexual education reform, rid the world of all forms of sexual violence, exterminate all religious and spiritual beliefs that don’t adhere to this point of view, but that’s just naming a few.
And, if we do outlaw abortion, it's not like the act of terminating pregnancies is going to vanish. So then, who gets reprimanded for illegal abortion? Is it the abortionist or the woman who is brave and selfless enough to know she's unfit to go through with the pregnancy? Do we throw them all in jail? Americans love throwing people in jail, especially women of non violent crimes. That seems to be a reoccurring way for the government to “solve” social “ills” in this country. Sky high unemployment? A way to uphold white male privilege and the new racism? Newsflash, throwing people in jail for these acts is more "immoral" than abortion is and will ever be. Prison reform now anyone? Furthermore, by making abortion illegal you are cutting women off from safe abortion practices. Does the desire to terminate a pregnancy mean one deserves infection, infertility, or to bleed to death in an alleyway?
Do you think women enjoy abortions? It’s not like everyone is running around eagerly awaiting to abort fetuses. It’s a option because one acknowledges they would be unfit, for whatever reason, to complete the pregnancy or birth of a child. So, if a woman can't decide whether or not she wants to go through with a pregnancy, have something develop inside her, give birth, who's decision is it? Simply put, if a woman doesn't own the rights to her own body, who does? The U.S.government?
Making abortion illegal is just another way to demonize women in general. Do some research before you decide to try to defend your paradoxical opinion. Try explaining to a rape victim, a mother already struggling to provide for her preexisting children, a high school student, women with no access to birth control or no education on how to properly use and obtain various forms of contraceptives, or hm, AN ENTIRE BIOLOGICAL SEX that they don’t have the right to their own bodies, and thus in the process, their own lives.
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