Friday, November 23, 2012


If "hipster" means wearing platforms, listening to music outside of the Billboard Hot 100, not viewing news as restricted to the confines of America, or being naive enough to believe that the world is capable of change, than yes, I am a hipster, and damn fucking proud. If being a vegan feminist who recycles and has a fondness for black glittery nail polish who crafts stellar DIY denim shorts, than fuck yeah, I'm a hipster.

Have the young people of this country already let society strip them so clean of individuality that artsy & thrifty humanitarians are demeaned? Since when is the word "artsy" an insult? Why should one avoid admitting fancy towards a certain style or musician in order to avoid being labeled as a "hipster."

The term spills out of the jealous mouths of those pissed members of society who don't have the confidence to wear ripped tights and combat boots through the halls of their high school. I think it is used by that girl in your advanced art class, when your sculpture wins 1st place, and her cinches 2nd. Vegetarians, who are not committed enough to become vegans, thrust the term upon their more devoted counterparts. It's excreted from the mouths of the non-opinionated, confidence lacking, dull, and unadventurous.

What does "hipster" really mean then? That I knew about Kony before he was dead/starving in a forest somewhere? Is it a lifestyle? That is, do your viewpoints and points of interest make you a hipster, or is it all just an image? Is your hipster status reliant on the contents of your latest Apple product, Starbucks cup, and closet? Or, is it your aspirations and religious practices that grant you such an honor?

I understand some people pretend to be knowledgeable or care about things just for a desired image, but the "hipster" is unprecedented. Why are creatively talented progressive thinkers being slandered? The term perpetuates conservatism and conformity, stomping on equality, individuality, and freedom along the way.

The term was established on a foundation of fear.

1 comment:

  1. "Vegetarians who are too weak to become vegans"; okay now you are making me feel guilty. Sometimes cheese is hard to resist (especially when paired with wine) What's with all the labels? We can't all save the world but we can each do our best, stand for something and not conform to societal pressures (unless we want to)
