As I was snooping around an old binder from my freshmen required health course, I came across a highly worrisome worksheet. This peculiar worksheet required students to match prewritten definitions to their corresponding sexual reproductive organ. The vagina was defined as "the organ in which the penis penetrates during sex." Firstly, on a purely biological stance, this definition completely ignores the fact that the vagina is a self-cleansing muscle, or it's oh so important role in childbirth. Equally disturbing are the social implications of this definition. Although I sadly acknowledge that addressing homosexual intercourse in a conservative town's high school may be out of the question, sex, when in relation to the vagina, must be identified as “intravaginal”. How can a school teach oral sex and anal sex as forms of sex, yet then define sex as the penile penetration of the vagina? Overall, this sexist definition implies that the vagina's only purpose and function is to be penetrated by the male penis. And we wonder why Americans are so ignorant about sexual health? Say it with me now: SEXUAL EDUCATION REFORM NOW!
Saying it with ya, sista: "SEXUAL EDUCATION REFORM NOW!"