Friday, November 30, 2012

Darling Daughters.

I sincerely hope my future daughters engage in premarital sex. If one hasn't explored their own pleasure and desire or begun to understand their body's responses than they aren't ready for marriage. If you can't express your needs, say no when you need to, or comprehend the value of reciprocity, than you're not ready for marriage. If you have never experienced true intimacy how can you love someone enough for a successful marriage? 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Choice is the power of feminism.

“It’s so funny that Sarah is a feminist because she dresses like such a slut.”

What would be truly ironic is if, as a feminist, I allowed others to dictate what I chose to put on my body. Feminists, simply put, are people who believe in equality between people of all sexual identities. Thus, as people, feminists come in all the variations that people come in. We are the last people to be found guilty of slut shaming. What one wears or does not wear on his or her body is not a direct reflection on his or her sexual history, and secondly, one’s sexual history does not grant them slut status.

Not that I should feel any obligation or pressure to defend myself, but even from a conservative stand point, I do not dress provocatively. A typical Sarah outfit consists of some 1990's wannabe maxiskirt / lil' frock, opaque black tights, vegan leather or denim jacket, and Creepers.

Oftentimes, men thrust the term “slut” upon women who emit some sort of sexual prowess or cause them to feel some sort of sexual desire. I can’t control what your mind turns to when you look at me, nor would I let that have any influence over how I dress. I can however exert my freedom and wear whatever I want.

As I became enlightened about the above comment I was instantly reminded of the second wave's sensible show debate. Uhh, hello? It's 2012. Are people still so ignorant that they think feminists do not wear make-up and high heels? Have we, as a society, still not moved passed the stereotype that all feminists are fugly butches forced into a life of angsty misery because no guys want to be with them? 

"Feminism is not a dirty word. It does not mean you hate men, it does not mean you hate girls that have nice legs and a tan, and it does not mean you are a 'bitch' or 'dyke' ; it means you believe in equality." - Kate Nash

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Dasani Water Bottle Locker Collections

Are the students who purchase plastic water bottles everyday at school literally looking to throw money away or are they truly that stupid? God forbid these brats go a day without totting around their Dasani water bottles and visit the drinking fountain about three meters to their left. Adding to my irritation, rarely do these kids even finish their overpriced bottled water. Instead, they let them pile up and grow into a collection in their school lockers. Once there is no possible way to fit both the ever-growing collection and textbooks in their lockers, they simply pour the water into the drinking fountain and toss the recyclable into a trash receptacle.

There are children who will die never seeing, let alone drinking clean water. As you mindlessly pour your designer eau down the drain of the fountains you're too cool to be seen using dehydration is robbing people of their precious lives. Oh pardon me, are you too preoccupied maintaining your collection to recycle? Please note that the recycle bins are located approximately two feet east of all trash receptacles.

I look forward to the day these children get cut off from their parents and GASP!...have to support themselves.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Lesbian Chic.

To what extent is the increase in media portrayals of lesbians a representation of increased cultural acceptance? We must ask ourselves if it is nothing more than another show to tickle the desires of heterosexual men. MTV's reality shows have no problem with bisexual bachelorettes and showing a little girl on girl action, but they are yet to host a bisexual bachelor. Remember, Katy Perry broke onto the music scene in 2008 with her single, "I Kissed A Girl." Is the increase in females sexually experimenting with other females a genuine expression of their sexuality and a reflection of an increased comfort regarding homosexuality, or are females just tapping onto a new kinky way to arouse men?

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Big Flavor Debate.

In 2009, the U.S. government banned flavored cigarettes (with the exception of menthol) on the grounds of disguising tobacco as mere innocuous candy to children. Why then, are flavored condoms still legal? Do they not downplay the riskiness and seriousness of oral sex? Seeing as one cannot purchase cigarettes until the age of eighteen I am struggling to understand how this law protects children. By passing this law, legislation is openly acknowledging that a large percentage of smokers are underage, or illegally using tobacco. On the other hand, thanks to the bomb ass work of William R. Baird, Jr. condoms are legal to purchase at any age and it is actually illegal for store clerks to refuse to sell them to minors. So, if we apply the same line of logic used to ban flavored cigarettes to condoms, can we credit flavored condoms as something marketed towards children who are too young to be making decisions regarding sexual behavior?

Saturday, November 24, 2012

My Pussy Is Not A "Pussy."

I'm wholeheartedly confused as to why the same population of males who drool and masturbate to the idea of getting action with women is the same population that uses the word "pussy" as a synonym for weak, cowardly, or pathetic. Why would one pursue something they repeatedly demean? The mind, not the genitalia breed hesitation and fear. Ironic, I don't have testicles yet I am a hell of a lot more courageous than majority of males who like to credit themselves as men. Perhaps, one's outspokenness is not dependent upon the presence of balls? Maybe, maybe.

Friday, November 23, 2012

You belong with me simply because I say so and if you disagree you're the world's biggest asshole.

If the man in which you are seeking ignores or denies you, he is a giant asshole. Remember, if you like someone, do not respect their opinion. Actually, do not even allow them to make a decision on who to be with. You have decided somehow, despite the fact that you are not even together, you are somehow inherently better than that guy's girl. Yes, all cheerleaders are promiscuous.  For them not to be would be criminal. All women belong to one of two categories: virginal angel or devilish whore. Good girls bop their innocent blonde heads to the beat of their band instruments. Marks of the devil include red clothing, high heels, and pom-poms. Females should not get along because it's much more hip to fight over males instead. 

I am not done analyzing Taylor Swift's song lyrics. Moving on to "Love Story."

I have a vagina thus the best thing I could dream of being in life is a princess.

"You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess." Apparently having XX chromosomes means your one mission in life is to find your prince charming who'll grant you the opportunity to be a princess. From the historically inaccurate allusions to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, the crying female in duress to the anticipation surrounding Daddy's permission to wed, this tune found a way to cram every cliche fairy tale motif into one song. Props to my girl Taylor on that one. Despite her amazing ability to cram motifs, I'd have to say what T.Swift does best is encourage her fan-base, majority of which are impressionable youngings, to add new life to regressive gender roles put to rest decades ago. In just this song alone, the country star repeatedly presents male as the superior sex. With lyrics such as "My daddy said stay away from Juliet" (the use of the word "from" should also be noted, this line is directed at the male, fragile love struck Juliet can't be trusted to hold her own against the wrath of men!) and "I talked to your dad;go pick out a white dress" the father is clearly the final decision maker. As a girl she was submissive to her father, and as she progresses into womanhood, with her father's permission, she may now be submissive to her Prince Charming. Congrats on your engagement, girl!

Personally, robbing people of their freedom to listen to whatever musician they damn well please isn't my style. Understanding the social implications perpetuated by the musicians you choose to listen to? Yeah, that is my style. 


If "hipster" means wearing platforms, listening to music outside of the Billboard Hot 100, not viewing news as restricted to the confines of America, or being naive enough to believe that the world is capable of change, than yes, I am a hipster, and damn fucking proud. If being a vegan feminist who recycles and has a fondness for black glittery nail polish who crafts stellar DIY denim shorts, than fuck yeah, I'm a hipster.

Have the young people of this country already let society strip them so clean of individuality that artsy & thrifty humanitarians are demeaned? Since when is the word "artsy" an insult? Why should one avoid admitting fancy towards a certain style or musician in order to avoid being labeled as a "hipster."

The term spills out of the jealous mouths of those pissed members of society who don't have the confidence to wear ripped tights and combat boots through the halls of their high school. I think it is used by that girl in your advanced art class, when your sculpture wins 1st place, and her cinches 2nd. Vegetarians, who are not committed enough to become vegans, thrust the term upon their more devoted counterparts. It's excreted from the mouths of the non-opinionated, confidence lacking, dull, and unadventurous.

What does "hipster" really mean then? That I knew about Kony before he was dead/starving in a forest somewhere? Is it a lifestyle? That is, do your viewpoints and points of interest make you a hipster, or is it all just an image? Is your hipster status reliant on the contents of your latest Apple product, Starbucks cup, and closet? Or, is it your aspirations and religious practices that grant you such an honor?

I understand some people pretend to be knowledgeable or care about things just for a desired image, but the "hipster" is unprecedented. Why are creatively talented progressive thinkers being slandered? The term perpetuates conservatism and conformity, stomping on equality, individuality, and freedom along the way.

The term was established on a foundation of fear.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Defining Vagina.

As I was snooping around an old binder from my freshmen required health course, I came across a highly worrisome worksheet. This peculiar worksheet required students to match prewritten definitions to their corresponding sexual reproductive organ. The vagina was defined as "the organ in which the penis penetrates during sex." Firstly, on a purely biological stance, this definition completely ignores the fact that the vagina is a self-cleansing muscle, or it's oh so important role in childbirth. Equally disturbing are the social implications of this definition. Although I sadly acknowledge that addressing homosexual intercourse in a conservative town's high school may be out of the question, sex, when in relation to the vagina, must be identified as “intravaginal”. How can a school teach oral sex and anal sex as forms of sex, yet then define sex as the penile penetration of the vagina? Overall, this sexist definition implies that the vagina's only purpose and function is to be penetrated by the male penis. And we wonder why Americans are so ignorant about sexual health? Say it with me now: SEXUAL EDUCATION REFORM NOW!

So be concerned.

It was free, so I took all I could. The world is such a lovely place behind those dope tinted glasses. Always had a thing for assholes, haven’t you? Particularly ones who are well read & well traveled, someone’s who’s long fingers play pretty notes from keys or a series of strings.

It’s a stay strong and I love you. It’s what we need and other truths I now find irrelevant. Don’t you see, we can get out and that we are the lucky ones? Whatever whatever.  

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Worth it.

I wholeheartedly believe it would be worth the risk of going to prison and forever tarnishing my reputation in order to host sadomasochistic sex sessions under the disguise of a Christian summer camp. No, S&M doesn't turn me on, but corrupting young Christian children would.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The recipe for equality calls for boys to embrace what was once exclusively "girl stuff."

Until boyfriends stop squirming when their girlfriends ask them to hold their purse, fathers stop freaking when their daughters mention their menstruation cycles, and sons stop rolling their eyes when their mothers stop in the make-up aisle, true equality will not exist. This is why males buy their significant others roses and get down on one knee with diamond rings. These images are not romantic; they’re predictable impersonal clichés. Roses and diamonds have somehow become the only jewels and flowers that men can comfortably admit the names to. Females have been exploring what was once exclusively male for decades (everything from careers to clothing options). So males, what is the hold up? If I, as a woman, can romp around in your dress shirt and join my high school’s football team (not to mention, being considered sexy or a boss for doing so) than why can’t you borrow my glittery socks and take dance classes? When we define ourselves with a political party, lifestyle, religion it is a conscious choice. I ask you to acknowledge that gender is no different.

“Male pride is not really about pride, it’s about fear of being viewed as feminine.” –Julia Serano