Sunday, March 9, 2014

Mailboxes like staircases.

I try to fight it, but I'm simply not strong enough. The sadness seeps in, consuming me in its thick entirety. I am forced to acknowledge that I will never farm coffee in Peru. I'll probably never own a catering company or be a foster mom. I'll definitely never know what it's like to be an astronaut and see home from such a distance. Nor will I travel the globe, gun in my hand, defending my country. I will never fight loneliness for livelihood and I will never be a sculpter and go to sleep with once wet clay, now hardened and dry, caked beneath my fingernails. 

Their bodies, their minds, their actualities, all those people I will never be leave me completely overwhelmed. There is not enough time, I have to settle and trick myself into believing I am satisfied by just knowing them. Our interactions serving as a reminder that although I do not belong among them, they exist, they prosper, they expire. They speak their stories and I listen greedily wanting to fill my head with as much information before my childhood curiosity retreats and replaced with steadfast bitterness. 

I write narratives in my head, allowing my reality to blur together with the lives of others. The edges fade out into each other. I feel what they feel. For a moment, I know them, and I feel them knowing me. Each character builds a nest within my frame, forever sleeping in my spine. I rewrite, remake, and remodel particular characters daily, letting one bleed into another like a domino. My favorites come and go, the disc gets scratched, and the whole thing starts to skip, but in the end the actors did their best, and everything played out perfectly. Taking a bow, they finish their concluding scene unsteadily, and cascade into fragments. The next one stands up, only to remind that our creations can never fully escape us. I find bits and pieces of them recycled with each other. Another beautiful story created.

Perhaps I will become a sculpter after all. Perhaps I already am one. 

No more sleep walking dead.

A pretty frame to fondle and touch or a locked window to force open and enter, I was nothing but a thin crystal glass for you to pour yourself into. You never dust me off, so what could have been a trophy collects dust like a completed novella. In the process of molding and forming me like the wet virgin clay I was, you gave me a set of wings in which to leave you, this place, and this life.

Out from the confusion, a hazy abyss, grows a green spring, both leafless and bare. Do not pluck her, for her roots are too deep for a man of your strength. You’ve lost in admiration, so someone else came along, plucked her up from the ground, and made her a queen.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Why "Nice" Girls Don't Like Me & Why I Don't Like 'Em Back.

My worldview positions me front and center. Nice girls drift outwards, seeking comfort in the invisibility of such an abyss, their preferred positioning shielding them from getting close enough to conceptualize the peculiarities of life. From this stance, Nice Girls appreciate beauty at its surface level, unable to recognize the camouflaged blemishes (read: mistakes) or acknowledge the drafts (also known as failures) before its debut.

But, failure and me have matching best friend bracelets. Nice Girls put on their track shoes and run from failure. Having rather built a throne atop a ladder they do not honestly value than having to start at the bottom and work up a ladder in which they cherish, Nice Girls confuse patience with waiting, thus failing to realize the depth of such a virtue. Patience is not a glorification of the passivity in waiting, but the ability to maintain a positive attitude while working towards a nearly impossible goal or a project with an extensive timeline.

By aggressively avoiding mistakes, Nice Girls rob themselves of the best way to learn and without this, they never really mentally, emotionally, or psychologically develop into adults. Nice Girls naively accept mistakes as unchangeable failures. In reality, the only travesty in regards to mistakes is failure to learn from them. If one is too afraid of failure they can never do what is required to become successful, thus Nice Girls are left to find artificial success and an elevated sense of importance in their lack of mistakes. This fear of  failure forfeits life's greatest success: happiness. I have failed more times than Nice Girls dare to try. Ultimately, guilty of the worst mistake of them all, Nice Girls allow fear to dictate the courses of their lives. 

The unapologetic life I lead send Nice Girls into a deep shudder. Always the first to apologize, when asked to abandon their submissiveness and stop apologizing for things unworthy of forgiveness, "Sorry" all to often serves as a Nice Girl's sole response.

My sentences begin with a steady stream of fucks and conclude with a anthology that says fuck capitalism, fuck the patriarchy, fuck America for sticking it's dick in everyone else's desert, and fuck you if it is my language, rather than the surrounding system that has left me so angry, that offends you. Reserving particular subjects matters and conversations for defined relationships, planned appointments, and private places, I remember the reddening of various family members and friend’s cheeks upon my rehashing of how so and so's father was finally convicted after years of sexually abusing his children or my frank discussion of the heroin epidemic. “Hush,” they would say, “there’s children over there” or “people are trying to enjoy their meals.” I always thought and will forever continue to think, fuck that, people need to be exposed to reality in order to act upon it. Avoiding the discussion of difficult topics does not make them disappear from our realm. If these issues are not confined to certain people or places, why should our discussion of them be?

That’s where Nice Girls feel the burn and disagree. They possess no desire to discuss the lack of sympathy for reproductive loss after unplanned pregnancies or the cultural appropriation in Iggy Azalea’s new single. Why feel when one can numb themselves with Youtube videos of singing kittens and hangovers (only to judge other’s for swapping Melatonin supplements, yet completely ignoring the health consequences of binge drinking), Nice Girls possess no desire for reality. They want happy endings, brainwashed complacent children, and one of those no nonsense dogs that does not shed.

Which brings me to my next point: Nice Girls exchange productivity for busyness. Work conferences do not provide food for starving displaced families. Yoga lessons do make foreign adoptation more accessible for same-sex couples and spa appointments do not challenge color-blindness. Nice girls hate me for vocalizing such truths. All that busyness, all of that sleep deprivation, with absolutely nothing to show for it besides a yoga mat and manicured nails. Busyness is nothing more than illusionary obligation and thus, does not equate to a purposeful and productive life.

Nice girls define themselves by their plans, what they say they will do, rather than actually going out and doing anything. They remain content in their daydreams and collection of beliefs, without having to be bold, struggle with resistance, and fight. Wasting their college educations, Nice Girls are the prime example of how knowledge is useless without action. I on the other hand, understand that I am what I do, not what I say I’ll do. See, Nice Girls do not start until they feel one hundred percent ready. When nothing is ever begun nothing meaningful can be achieved. Good things do not come to those who wait; they come to those who make things happen for themselves and others by working towards goals. Nice Girls would rather talk about their success, than achieve it, because obtaining success means taking a series of risks. It means taking a leap without seeing where you will land. Me? I make multi-orgasmic love to the dangerous unknown.

The fear of death prevents nice girls from truly living, while my fear of a life I never lived because I was too afraid to take action frees me to act upon my natural curiosity and fervor. I know that the ultimate loss in life is what dies inside oneself while they are still alive, but to nice girls, death is the ultimate tragedy. I refuse to call anything that's a normal and healthy part of the natural life cycle a tragedy. It's like girls who are disgusted by talk of menstruation and childbirth. Ugh, nice girls.

All in all, it's the manner in which my heavily pigmented make-up juxtaposes next to my extensive volunteer experience or how my flirtation with violence has earned me the respect of the same men who once catcalled me, that proves so bothersome to Nice Girls; I leave them confounded. 
How did a recovering heroin addict who once ripped a hoop straight out of a gal’s nose manage to earn a brilliant academic scholarship to her first choice college? How did a girl with a visible controversial tattooed and dip-dyed blue hair snag a job working alongside the Deans? Because before every success is a tired string of failures. Accepting both her past and death as certainties rather than catastrophes, she is not burdened with an ever present fear of failure. Never equating a constantly buzzing Smartphone with productiveness or a pretty thought with action, she does not wait for things to happen; she makes them happen. 

Nice is an image, never a truth.