Sunday, April 14, 2013

You think that because she smiles that you turn off her dials.

Atop a stage so bare a song escapes from a virgin's cracked lips. Twas written for a creature in whom she loves, yet her glossed wide eyes fail to see a fragile face amidst the crowd. Raising her stentorian voice, she pleads someone to listen, but Erie devours and travelers trample the echo until all her lover receives is nonsense. Surprisingly, her already heavy veins make room for chagrin. Acceptance that you've heard nothing plants the seeds of respite and leads her offstage with naked shoulders.

Is it me or is it her in whom you wish to destroy? Am I truly this intuitive or is it just paranoia? Violence is not a fancy among the educated nor the warrior, so who is the vain one, is it I or is it you?

Friday, April 12, 2013

Bedroom floor heaps because whores aren't allowed "Good Mornings."

Still wearing her sweatshirt, I curl into you so the name serves as a split between us. The same name that you and I both know means nothing because tonight, the only thing that will be wearing it is your bedroom floor. Put your arms around me and tell me that no one will love me better than you do, because this time I’ll try to believe you. Is life nothing more than pretty song titles and the lyrics to accompany them? One things for certain, storytelling is the sweetest sex I've ever had. Meeting, ringing, ignored and unanswered, the Azure Ray whisper serves as a gentle reminder of that distant, yet tarnished beam of light.

So you'll take me to some fancy doctors and get all in my head. You'll cook some exotic dinner in attempt to get something past my lips and I'll promise that I'm just doing homework on your custom ordered computer. You'll tell me that I'm beautiful without any words and I won't be awake for school tomorrow morning, but being your little Daisy Buchanan ain't all that bad.

Eating Disorders: you don't have to be a thirteen year old rich white girl.

Similarly to many concerns in our society, African American, Latina, Asian, and Native American women have more often than not gone completely ignored when it comes to our nation's perception of eating disorders. So too have women belonging to the LGBTQ community and/or a low socioeconomic class.

If minorities were to become recognized, we would be forced to challenge our notion of eating disorders as something breed from sexism that only affects white middle/upper class heterosexuals. Newsflash, sexism is not the only system of oppression leading to eating disorders nor are financially stable Caucasian tweens & teen girls the only ones affected. How does race, socioeconomic class, and sexual identity influence a woman's appetite and concept of beauty?

In addition, the median onset of women with eating disorders is eleven and over two thirds of women who have been diagnosed with an eating disorder have had the disorder more than half of their life. Why is that information significant you ask? These two statistics discredit the popular belief that eating disorders are adolescent problems or purely transitory. Further dismantling our nation's ignorant yet mainstream ideas in regards to such diseases, nearly two thirds of women with eating disorders are survivors of sexual assault. This statistic asks us to examine how one's exposure to trauma affects one's likelihood of developing such a disease. That is, how does eating become a coping strategy or medium of control , particularly in times when one's life may appear ridiculously untamed. A little nature versus nurture, aye?

Perhaps if we cast aside our outdated hetero-normative money-in-the-bank white privilege long enough to reexamine body dismorphic disorders we, as a nation, would have a better understanding of the catalysts of such disorders, and could better treat and prevent them.

Let's not forget, incidents of eating disorders among males are increasing. Obviously, body dysmorphic disorders are not limited to females. Please, don't confuse this post's focus on women as ignoring that truth.